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Mouse Hunt
Mouse Hunt
join us for a magical outdoor adventure as we put on our wellies and stomp around the beautiful thistledown to try and help bear find his cheeky friend 'mouse'.
along the journey, we are sure to find plenty to help us on our way....from parachutes to butterfly trees, ribbons galore and a beautiful craft or 2 to explore !
join us for a magical outdoor adventure as we put on our wellies and stomp around the beautiful thistledown to try and help bear find his cheeky friend 'mouse'.
along the journey, we are sure to find plenty to help us on our way....from parachutes to butterfly trees, ribbons galore and a beautiful craft or 2 to explore !
The Boatman and his Friends
Sun, May 19
Musical storytelling session in collaboration with Cotswold Canals Connected
Tickets are not on sale
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